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System Components

* Component /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ noun; An individual material element designed to perform a specific function on its own or as part of an Axter specified roof system assembly.

Download Table of Components

For ease of use, system components are presented in the Table of Components, a tabular display of all core components that make up our product portfolio. Components are organised sequentially, by order of appearance within a roof system assembly, and by description or use classification, as defined within the following standards publications: BS 8217 : 2005 - Reinforced Bitumen Membranes for Roofing, BS 6229 : 2018 - Flat Roofs with Continuously supported flexible waterproof coverings, BS EN 13707: Flexible sheets for waterproofing — Reinforced bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics and BS EN 13956: Flexible sheets for waterproofing – Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics.

Each component is meticulously selected for its functionality, durability, reliability, cost efficiency and sustainability characteristics, and manufactured to the highest United Kingdom, European and international quality standards. If we do not manufacture the component directly, we partner with carefully chosen suppliers to ensure the best component is sourced, produced and delivered in accordance with our precise requirements and ethics.

Use of this table

Designed for simplicity and to provide unrestricted access to our complete component and roof system assembly data, the user can easily navigate through the component table classifications to find the component or system that is of interest to them. Once quickly identified, the user can click on a component or system block to gain access to all technical, certification and performance data for immediate review and download.

We believe in transparency and appreciate that our clients, specifiers, designers and contractors all require quick and immediate access to our specialist information. The component table provides this, but if you cannot find what you are looking for please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Liquid Membranes

The most recent addition to our component table. Cold applied liquid membrane waterproof layers compliant to European Technical Approval Guidance (ETAG) 005, liquid applied roof waterproofing kits. A classification including polymer modified bitumen emulsions, single or two component aliphatic or aromatic quick cure polyurethanes and rapid cure methacrylates.


Starcoat PMMA Liquid Membrane


Starcoat PMMA 01 / 01 THIX

Starcoat PMMA Catalyst

Starcoat PMMA Cleaner


Starcoat PMMA Clear Sealer


Starcoat PMMA Coloured Sealer


Starcoat PMMA Coloured Sealer (Fr)


Starcoat PMMA Decorative Chips


Starcoat PMMA Filler


Starcoat PMMA Fleece


Starcoat PMMA Primers


Starcoat PMMA Mortar


Starcoat PMMA Reinforced Filler


Starcoat PMMA Roller Applied Surfacing


Starcoat PMMA Self Levelling Aggregate


Starcoat PMMA Self Levelling Mortar


Starcoat PMMA Thix Liquid Membrane

Starcoat PMMA Vehicular Coat


Starcoat QC


Starcoat QC Colour


Starcoat R Liquid Membrane / Adhesive