Accessibility Settings

Use dyslexic-friendly font Applies the Open Dyslexic font, designed to improve readability for individuals with dyslexia.
Use readable fonts Applies a more readable font throughout the website, improving readability.
Underline links Underlines links throughout the website, making them easier to distinguish.
Adjust text size (%) Adjusts the font size for improved readability.
Use reduced animations Reduces animations across the website, reducing distractions and improving focus.
Use calm mode Reduces the colour saturation throughout the website to create a more soothing visual experience.
Use high-contrast mode Increases the contrast of elements on the website, making text and interface elements easier to distinguish.
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We’re B Corp Certified

A milestone in our commitment to people, planet, and profit

West End Gate 03 Exterior

Case Studies

Check out some of our project portfolio below:

Filter by:

Commercial & Retail — Refurbishment

Bexley Park Sports & Social Club

Systems in use: Excel® Starcoat® PMMA

Commercial & Retail — New Build

Escapade Silverstone

Systems in use: Wilotekt®-Plus Ecoflex®

Commercial & Retail — Refurbishment

Vine Christian Centre

Systems in use: Ecoflex®

Medical & Healthcare — Refurbishment

George Eliot Hospital

Systems in use: Hyranger® Starcoat® PMMA